Cluster list

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General description

Depending on the hardware equipment and the age of a cluster there is always a set of typical applications that fit the cluster capabilities. The idea is to run any calculation on a cluster that just fits the job requirements; running it on less capable cluster would slow down the calculation or prevent running it at all, starting a low-demanding job on highly equippped cluster would waste the resources and prevent running jobs that require such equipment.

Cluster survey

Name Year of construction Memory size [GB] / core Disk (scratch) size [GB] Usage Access
cobalt (?) 2003 1 120 simple calculations, student tests, teaching public
argon 2005 2 160 single-processor calculations with lower requirements public
krypton 2005 1 - 2 160 single-processor calculations with lower requirements public
radon 2005 2 - 4 320 single-processor calculations with average requirements public
palladium 2004 - 2005 3 - 6 240 - 600 older cluster for memory and/or disk space demanding calculations public
iridium 2006 - 2008 2 320 - 1000 general use restricted
helium 2006 - 2008 2 250 - 320 parallel molecular dynamics calculations restricted
francium 2007 4 640 parallel molecular dynamics calculations with infiniband restricted
lithium 2006 - 2008 4 - 16 1600 - 6000 highly demanding parallel and/or single-processor calculations with large memory and disk space requirements restricted
uranium 2008 2 1500 general use public
barium 2007 - 2008 1 - 2 320 - 1500 mostly parallel molecular dynamics calculations restricted
thallium 2007 - 2008 1 - 2 1500 general use restricted



Total nodes: 40 Total cores: 40 Queuing system: DQS Usage:

Nodes # of nodes Queue CPU Cores/node Available RAM/core Scratch/node
c01 - c40 40 c01_a - c40_a Intel Pentium 4 2.80GHz 1 800 MB 120 GB


Total nodes: Total cores: Queuing system: SGE Usage:

Nodes # of nodes Queue CPU Cores/node Available RAM/core Scratch/node